Clinical Skills Coach for Medical OSCEs

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5 TIPS for OSCE revision productivity!

Here are 5 tips to keep you productive during these uncertain times. I understand the Clinical Exams for Foundation Programme will be going ahead as planned. It is important to stay focused and keep your knowledge fresh and up to date.

So here are 5 quick tips to help keep you productive:

1) Start early

The earlier you start revising, the less you will have to cram in at the end, which doesn’t benefit anyone. Doing a steady and slow rate of revision i.e. 1 hour every day in a relaxed calm environment, will allow the information to be absorbed. The aim is do little and often bite sized revision chunks.

2) Understand the concepts

If you understand the concept i.e. reasons for heart murmurs, it will make it far easier to remember. No one wants to have to remember facts with no meaning- it takes up too much brain space. You want the examination to be second nature without thinking much!

3) Use different modes of revision

Use different modes of revision to keep your revision fresh. An example being initially reading a chapter from Oxford Clinical Handbook of Foundation Programme on “Abdominal examination” followed by watching a video of the examination ie (Geeky medics) and then practicing yourself. Changing it up makes it exciting and also prevents your brain from getting bored.

4) Listen to information whilst walking/driving.

Now is the perfect time to read and listen (as life has slowed down). So even in those moments when you are driving or taking a walk, you can listen to your revision notes (I know a student in medical school who recorded his own revision notes and then listened back to them - genius)

5) Wake up early

Now you might be thinking “but i enjoy revising at night” so this may not apply to you. IF you are a morning person - Wake up early, own your morning (when you are most productive), get your revision done for the day and then enjoy the rest of the day. Don’t stay in bed, avoiding revision. The anxiety wont go away, it will just stay with you until you get up!

I hope you found these tips useful. I understand this is such a tricky time. We don’t have control over much right now, which is scary and frustrating.

The one thing we do have control over is how we react to the situation and how we prepare for the upcoming months. So look after your mental and physical health, ask for help and speak to friends and family.

Stay safe and positive :)