3 Books for productive doctors!

Hello fellow medics,

During this long lockdown I have luckily had the chance to read some great books that have shaped my daily habits. It has led to increased motivation and productivity. Being a doctor and a clinical educator, it is important that I am able to balance my work and ‘me time’ without risk of being over whelmed.

Below I have listed 3 books which I would like to recommend to help you keep on top of revision and life in general!

5am Club: Robin Sharma

Great book for those that need an extra push to waking up early. The book is imaginatively set around fictitious characters but with the message having a great impact.

Essentially, awake up early, own your morning and take control of your day!

Change to me: I wake up at 5:30am most morning (with summer obviously being easier than winter time)

Getting things done: David Allen

This book is based on increasing productivity with all the tips and tricks of those at the top of their game. A long book (hence downloaded on Audible and listened to whilst driving to work) but so many golden nuggets.

Change to me: Whenever a task comes into my mind, I immediately store it on my Todoist App. I don’t have ‘to-do lists’ floating around in my brain causing me anxiety.

Tools of Titans: Tim Ferriss

Wow, what a book. Tim Ferriss in this book gives snippets of advice and inspirational ideas from CEOs and people who are successful in their line of work. From Arnold Schwarzenegger to small company owners, every minute of this book is wisdom that anyone can take on board.

Changes to me: Failure is not really a reason to give up….sorry.

There are many books that have kept me focused during these hard times. Reading for me has been a great hobby that was previously neglected as I lived the normal fast paced life. This year has been bizarre and scary, but hopefully has reminded us what and who are important.

Wishing you all a happy, safe and a healthy new year x