6 reasons you need my help for OSCE SUCCESS!

Now without sounding like I am giving a sales pitch, i want to tell you why you might need me in your revision journey.

1) Knowledge of NHS

Whether UK is your home or a new place completely, you have spent atleast the last 5-6 years in a different country with a different health system. This means that your medical training may differ from the UK process. The OSCE’s in the UK/ throughout the World are similar but those slight deviations might be the difference between a pass and fail.

2) In one place

Being an IMG, your university friends now may be scattered around the country or even the World. So it can be difficult to have that consistent person to revise with. In an ideal situation, you would have a variety of people to do OSCE revision with. Included in this “OSCE revision buddy system” should be someone who has knowledge about the NHS, OSCE and medical exam format.

3) A non judgemental environment

Revising with someone who doesn’t know you is easier. Not knowing all the common causes of chest pain wont lead to the feeling of humiliation in front of your friends (which will only hinder your learning process). It is better to have a respectful working relationship with someone outside of your social bubble.

4) Consistency

Having consistency is vital. The knowledge that you have allocated one hour a week with one person whose sole person is to help YOU pass this exam is satisfying. It allows you to frame your revision, not have fears of cancellation at the last minute or getting detracted with friends. I wont allow us to spend an hour googling the difference between a UMN and LMN lesion…

5) Planned revision

The sessions are pre planned and organised, and so before you even enter the video session, we will have a plan of action so you will know what section of work you will be working on. Meaning you can start ticking off items on your revision plan. With all this said, things will change, and we will go at the pace that suits YOUR learning.

6) Constructive feedback

Revising with friends is great, I am an advocate of this. The one issue can be receiving constructive feedback or any feedback for that. Friends can find it difficult correcting you from fearing of insulting you. There is an art to feedback to make people progress and not a) feel bad about themselves b) avoid coming to you for further practice.

I hope this has given you an insight into how I will benefit you in the next step to being a doctor in the UK.

Remember - I am not the only person you will revise with (or maybe I am- which is also fine). Whatever the dynamic, having consistency and structure is the vital component I provide.

Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.

Positive vibes.